The Satoyama
Mechanism (SDM)
The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) is one of the collaborative activities of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI). It serves as a financing mechanism to facilitate the implementation of activities under IPSI.
The SDM was established jointly by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ).
10 October 2024
SDM 2024 project selection results
The SDM Secretariat received a total of 27 eligible applications and the following five were selected, which were deemed the most promising for the implementation and promotion of the concept of the Satoyama Initiative. We appreciate it to all the applicants for the fascinating project proposals. We look forward to more innovative proposals in the next opportunity.
- Caraga State University, Center for Research in Environmental Management and Eco-governance, Philippines
- Circle for Conservation of Natural Resources NGO, Benin
- Corporación Ambiental y Forestal del Pacífico, Colombia
- Fundación para la Investigación y Desarrollo Social, Ecuador
- Nature and Livelihoods, Uganda
05 September 2024
Satoyama side event at International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2024
IGES and UNU-IAS will organize an online session, “Can Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Promote Sustainable Food Systems? – Linking Science and Practice” as a side event of ISAP 2024 on 10 September 2024 (
In this session, we will discuss how SEPLS have the potential to function in a sustainable food system, not only for production but also in terms of other aspects within the food system as a whole. Looking at how SEPLS can promote the transformation of food systems globally, discussions will aim to link the concept of SEPLS to recent scientific research on food systems. Following presentations of case studies from Taiwan and Mexico. There will be a panel discussion featuring international experts on this topic.
Please register at:
24 June 2024
The SDM 2024 Call for Proposals
The SDM Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has opened a call for proposals for the SDM 2024 projects. IPSI members are kindly invited to submit project proposals by Thursday 15 August 2024, following the instruction in the call for proposal. (closed)
*(Revised on 3rd July) Due to minor revision in the application form and for the further clarification in the example form of application, we replaced each file with the updated version in the page of “Call for application”.
For the application form, the previous version is also fine. Only the change made was adding the option of “Others” in the Organization type for Collaborating organisations in Form 1. -
15 November 2022
Satoyama side event at International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2022
IGES and UNU-IAS organized an online session, “Transformative Actions for a Nature-positive Society from SATOYAMA Initiative towards 2030” as a side event of ISAP 2022 on 2 December 2022.
The session page at ISAP 2022 website and the video recording of the session:
There were two presentations from SDM projects by National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), Chinese Taipei from SDM 2020 and South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE) from SDM 2018.
Key messages from SDM projects
The SDM was launched in 2013. Since then it has selected 59 projects by 2022. The grant recipients have reported outstanding achievements. The followings are key messages shared by the organizations which recently completed their SDM projects:
Restoration and conservation of globally endangered Cordeauxia edulis woody species in the drylands of Ethiopia’s Somali Region, Ethiopia
Inheritance and application of Satoyama farming knowledge in Nan'an tribe, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)
Fomenting the SEPL milpa (three sisters) through in situ landrace maize seed protection, Mexico
Marereni Community Blue Carbon Initiative Feasibility Assessment and Stakeholder Outreach, Kenya
Assessment of Red Dao local knowledge on herbal bathing and forest protection, Vietnam
Exploring integration of the SEPLS approach into management of the Buli watershed, Bhutan
Safeguarding wetland ecosystems and pastoral communities in the Kyrgyz Mountains, Kyrgyz
Participatory Restoration of Keta’s Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes, Ghana
Development of locally-sensitive indicators of resilience as a tool for adaptive landscape management in Taiwan’s SEPLS, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)
Enhancing socio-ecological production landscapes & seascapes at ‘Riviere du Cap’ wetlands to reduce pressure on the marine ecosystem in Mauritius, Mauritius
Transforming rice production to sustain socio-ecological services along the Weto mountain range, Ghana
Strengthening partnerships and scaling up living models of SEPLS use in community-based agrobiodiversity enhancement and livelihood security to adapt to changes and crisis, China
Recovery and use of camelids and their fiber as potential resources to improve local livelihoods in a post-pandemic scenario in the Andean Altiplano, Argentina
Ifugao Rice Terrace Assessment (IRTA), Philippines
Paddy cum Fish Cultivation for Sustainable Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation, Nepal
Participatory Mangrove Management for Coastal Resiliency of Alitas Community in Quezon, Philippines, Philippines
Community Implementation of Mixed Species Restoration for Livelihoods and Ecological Function, Vietnam
Conservation and management of biodiversity of cultural, spiritual and food sovereignty importance, and recovery of indigenous knowledge in the management of their territory, Panama
Establishment of Vetiver Grass Nursery and Hedgerows for control of Eutrophication in Lake Victoria , Uganda
Resilience Level Assessment of the Key Biodiversity Areas San Antonio Forest/KM 18 and Community Empowerment on Conservation, Colombia
Supporting and Promoting the Karen Indigenous Socio-ecological Production System in Northern Thailand, Thailand