Mainstreaming the sago (Metroxylon sagu) landscape for food, cultural preservation and climate change adaptation
Caraga State University - Center for Research in Environmental Management and Eco-governance
Partnership building
Landscape, Seascape
Sago (Metroxylon sagu) was ubiquitous in Butuan City before the expansion of urbanization. Sago, also known as starch palm, grows in patches in the villages within the Agusan River Basin (ARB), the 3rd largest river basin in the Philippines. In the ARB, the starch from sago palm has been the staple food for the Manobo tribe in recent decades. Local delicacies produced by the descendants of the Manobo tribe are still seen, albeit rarely, in the local market of Butuan. However, sago areas have been slowly converted into housing and industrial buildings. Hence, Caraga State University in partnership with the riverside communities in Butuan City will develop a sago eco-innovation village as a model for utilizing sago for flood control, food, carbon sequestration, DRR, and livelihood through the development of innovative products. The wetlands, where sago palms grow, can be proposed as a local conservation area (LCA) to support wetland biodiversity that includes the wetland birds, aquatic flora, and fauna. The LCA is provided for in the Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP 2015-2028. LCA refers to small conservation areas that are covered or managed by the LGUs even without the help of the national government. This can be a locally declared “critical habitat” through local government ordinances. The Caraga State University (CSU) through the Center for Research in Environmental Management and Eco-governance (CRÈME) will work closely with Butuan City to identify the sago area to be declared into a LCA. All the data gathered from the fauna and flora assessment and the initiatives to promote sago-based livelihood among the residents generated from this SDM project will be used as inputs for the declaration of the sago area as LCA. The wetland habitats of sago are important in absorbing excess water during the rainy season, thereby preventing flooding. To do this, we will (1) conduct GIS mapping of the remaining sago patches, (2) conduct stakeholder analysis to identify the stakeholders to be involved in capability building in sago-based economic development, (3) conduct capability building activities related to sago product innovation (food products, livestock feeds, and polymers), and (4) educate the local people on sustainable sago-based livelihood.
Planned activities:
- (1) Data collection on sago ecosystem services for GIS mapping, for sharing with the stakeholders
- (2) A series of stakeholder forums to analyze the influence and power of various internal and external stakeholders in the sago-based landscape
- (3) Biodiversity assessment of flora and fauna associated with sago in sago swamps
- (4) Assessing the community land-use plan
- (5) Capability building on sago rehabilitation
- (6) Capability building on sago product development
- (7) Assessment and profiling of local and national markets where sago and its products are sold
- (8) Creation of a Technical Working Group (TWG) to assist the sago landscape community in sustainable livelihood
Project location

Caraga State University - Center for Research in Environmental Management and Eco-governance
- Sector
- academic/ research institute
- Country
- Philippines
- Website/SNS
- https://www.carsu.edu.ph/
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