2024 BENIN
Strengthening the restoration and sustainable management of five sacred forests of the Ramsar site 1018 in Benin
NGO Circle for Conservation of Natural Resources (ONG CeSaReN)
Community / field-based implementation
Sacred forests in Benin, estimated to number around 3,000, serve as models of traditional biodiversity management and conservation. They are special refuges and sanctuaries for local biodiversity, harboring several rare species of animals and plants, some of which are listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Their protection is based on (i) ancient traditional beliefs and (ii) the authority of traditional leaders. As a result, they play cultural and religious roles. In addition to these functions, they also play a significant role in the socio-economic development of local populations.
Unfortunately, most of these sacred forests are subject to degradation, primarily due to natural phenomena, bushfires, and overexploitation to meet the demand for service wood, which is the small diameter (10-15 cm) timber generally used as poles in the construction of rural housing. To address this issue, actions were implemented in the Commune of Zè from 2017 to 2020 under the "Restoration and Sustainable Management of Sacred Forests of RAMSAR Sites 1017 and 1018 in Benin" project, with support from the ITTO. However, the results achieved through this project remain fragile and require further improvement and consolidation. Therefore, this project set following objectives: (a) strengthen the capacity of local communities in the sustainable management of sacred forests; (b) increase the afforestation rate of sacred forests; and (c) improve the livelihoods of local populations.
Planned activities:
- (1) Capacity-building workshops for local communities for sustainable sacred forests management.
- (2) Enrichment of sacred forests by local communities through maintaining natural regeneration and planting endangered species.
- (3) Planting activities in sacred forests buffer zones with woody species that serve both ecological protection and the production of marketable fruits with existing and functional supply chains.
- (4) Planting activities for local communities, with the added benefit of providing income to beneficiaries through the exploitation of the planted areas.
Project location

NGO Circle for Conservation of Natural Resources (ONG CeSaReN)
- Sector
- Non-governmental organisation
- Country
- Benin
- Website/SNS
- https://www.cesaren.org/
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